The Secret to a Quick Tax Refund

The Secret to a Quick Tax Refund

Here’s how to get your overpayment as soon as possible. Delayed tax refunds, penalties for not filing 2020 tax returns on time that were actually filed on time, and timely tax payments being flagged as late are just some of the headaches taxpayers are grappling...
5 Surprising Taxable Items

5 Surprising Taxable Items

Wages and self-employment earnings are taxable, but what about the random cash or financial benefits you receive through other means? If something of value changes hands, you can bet the IRS considers a way to tax it. Here are five taxable items that might surprise...
Easy-to-Overlook Tax Documents

Easy-to-Overlook Tax Documents

With tax season now officially underway, here are several tax documents that may be easy to miss in your mailbox or inbox: Child tax credit letter. From July through December 2021, the IRS paid out 50% of projected child tax credit payments to qualified households....
Prepare for the 2021 tax return filing season

Prepare for the 2021 tax return filing season

Tax return filing season usually gets a little crazy, but this year will be more turbulent than most. Due to new tax legislation and guidance from the IRS, you will have to cope with a wide variety of tax changes, some of which relate to the pandemic. Here are several...