Time for a Yearly Credit Report

Time for a Yearly Credit Report

One way to head off fraud during tax season is to get your free annual credit report now. Credit reports often have errors in them; this quick checkup can be the first indication that some form of identity theft has taken place on your account. The good news is that...
Fraud? Negligence? Know the Difference!

Fraud? Negligence? Know the Difference!

Each year the IRS opens thousands of investigations looking for possible tax fraud. In 2017 alone, the Criminal Investigation (CI) arm of the IRS identified $2.5 billion in potential tax fraud with a 91.5 percent conviction rate. While the IRS takes tax fraud...
Five Reasons Why the IRS Will Audit You

Five Reasons Why the IRS Will Audit You

Each year, the IRS audits over 1 million tax returns. With agency resources shrinking, the IRS is more selective when choosing tax returns to audit. Knowing what the IRS is looking for can help you understand and reduce your audit risk. Here are five of the biggest...