Handling Wrong Information on Tax Forms

Handling Wrong Information on Tax Forms

You may receive a tax document with incorrect information. You may also discover that a tax form you’re expecting was never delivered. Here are several situations you may encounter with incorrect information and what you can do about it. Situation: You receive a tax...
When to Consider Filing Your Tax Return Early

When to Consider Filing Your Tax Return Early

The IRS has officially opened the 2024 tax filing season! But when should you file your return? While some may benefit from waiting, there are several good reasons to file early. Get Your Refund Faster 💰 If you’re expecting a refund, why let the government hold onto...
The IRS is NOT Always Right

The IRS is NOT Always Right

Think twice about automatically paying the amount due on a notice Here are several quotes from actual IRS correspondence that serves as evidence that our national tax collection agency is not always right: Thank you for your correspondence. We currently do not have a...